Inclusalytics (in•CLU•sa•li•tics) was created and designed for those leading Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts within an organization and want to take a more data-driven approach to their work.
Organizations have embarked on a newfound commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), catalyzed by the social justice movements of 2020.
Whether due to pressure from internal or external stakeholders, competition for top talent, or a moral imperative, businesses are increasingly acknowledging that DEI work needs to be done, and done right. Yet as they dive into this work, many companies fail to achieve results. In fact, some don’t even know what results they are looking for in the first place.
Rooted in behavioral science and organizational psychology, our approach is proven to give your DEI stakeholders the tools they need to reshape your company’s culture into a place where EVERYONE feels like they can thrive.
- Dr. Victoria Mattingly, PhD
Inclusalytics is for internal diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) leaders who want to take a more data-driven approach to their work. The authors integrate stories from the DEI consulting frontlines, organizational science, and interview data with DEI leaders (from Fortune 500 companies to startups, academia, nonprofits, and more), demonstrating why data is the key to leading successful DEI efforts.
Inclusalytics provides DEI and people leaders with a clear and detailed process to demonstrably move the needle closer toward a workplace where everyone can thrive, especially those from underrepresented and historically excluded groups.
If you lead DEI efforts within an organization, we wrote Inclusalytics as a step-by-step a guide you can use to validly and reliably gather, measure, track, and utilize data to determine, set, impact, and measure the effectiveness of your DEI strategy and interventions.
Treating DEI as a critical business metric is the only way to sustainably commit to—and demonstrate ROI—of your DEI efforts.
Organization psychologists, DEI consultants, and business owners, Victoria Mattingly, PhD, and Sertrice Grice, M.S. partnered with award-winning author Allison Goldstein to convert their technical DEI+data expertise into readable, relatable (and dare we say, ENJOYABLE!) non-fiction masterpieces.